About Dr Lucie Clements
My story begins like many who dance; from a young child falling in love with movement to a life dedicated to dance. When I sustained a serious injury and faced challenges with my mental wellbeing, I developed a new goal: To use my understanding of the science of the mind and behaviour to help dancers to navigate the challenges I had experienced.
I studied Psychology, Dance Science and Psychological Coaching and lectured in dance and psychology in several Higher Education institutions. In 2018 I began working as “the dance psychologist”, using my expertise gained as a psychologist, educator and researcher to develop evidence-based coaching, workshops and consultancy for performing artists. The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic encouraged me to leave my full time role in academia to focus on my work with dancers, and I haven’t looked back.
Research and evidence are key to my work. My expertise lies in the psychosocial underpinnings of optimal dance performance - which means the role of the training environment, teachers, parents, and peers in nurturing healthy dance engagement. Research helps me to understand the role of psychology in achieving both technical and creative excellence, and to develop coaching, consultancy and workshops that are grounded in the latest science.
I love my job and still can’t believe that I get to work with such incredible dancers and organisations. Whether working with an individual coachee or advising on systemic changes - every piece of work is of equal importance to me and the push for better mental health support in the performing arts sector.
Some of my recent career highlights include:
2020: Shortlisted for One Dance UK’s Applied Dance Scientist Award, in recognition of my work supporting dancers during the coronavirus pandemic.
2021: Nominated for the One Dance UK People’s Choice Award and the IADMS Dance Educator Award.
2022: Published a review for Equity advising on Mental Health in the Performing Arts Industry
I care deeply about supporting the wellbeing of all dancers, regardless of genre or current level. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you to flourish, both on and off stage.
Lucie x
My qualifications:
PhD Dance Science
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, UK
MSc Dance Science
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, UK
BSc Psychology
University of Surrey, UK.
Chartered Psychologist
British Psychological Society, UK
Teaching Fellowship
Higher Education Academy, UK
Advanced Certificate in Coaching Psychology
Centre for Coaching, UK - British Psychological Society Approved